1 Создание международной сети вегетарианских бистро и супермаркетов.


2 Создание международной линии туристического вегетарианства.


3 Издание уникальных книг массовыми тиражами.


4 Открытие филиалов Школы Волшебника в детских садах и частных школах Киева.


5 Совместная аренда помещений для учебно-развлекательного центра в Киеве, Москве, Санкт-Петербурге.


6 Издание современных сказок миллионными тиражами.


7 Открытие Международного ашрама стран СНГ по образцу Ауровиля Шри Ауробиндо на Алтае.


8 Создание Международного Университета гуманизма и веганства при ЮНЕСКО и МАДДЭВ в Москве


9 Открытие Академии духовных учений


10 Производство массовых товаров для вегетарианцев СНГ и Европы.


11 Астрологические прогнозы для влюблённых, больных и Посвящённых.


1 Creation of internetwork of vegetarian bistros and supermarkets.


 2 Creation of international line of tourist vegetarianism.


3 Edition of unique books the mass drawings.


4 Opening of branches of School of Magician in kindergartens and private schools of Kyiv.


5 tenancy in common of apartments for an educational-entertaining center in Kyiv.


6 Edition of modern fairy-tales the millionth drawings.


7 Opening of the International ashram!


8 Creation of International University of humanism at UNESCO and MADDEW in Moscow ore Holliwood ore...


9 Opening of Academy of spiritual manoeuvres


10 Production of mass commodities for the vegetarians of the CIS and Europe.


11 Astrologic prognoses for falling in love, sick and Devoted.

This business partnership astrology is the most accurate report to determine the fortune and good prospects about two or more people while associating for new ventures or projects. Business growth mainly depends upon the strategic ideas of existing business partners to run smoothly and for better results. When people work together on a project or starting new business, it involves working of their fortunes. If horoscope of existing partners is compatible to each other then that partnership stands for long term and business will prosper by leaps and bounds. If horoscope of each existing partners are not compatible and not appropriate for that particular projects it won’t give good results and many obstacles occurred during entire period. With the help of business partnership analysis we will find out.